You're just open Le Box :D

Hey you, Ya I'm saying you who just click in here.

You did it, you're just open the box [Le Tailor Box ] :D

Welcome to the [Le Tailor Box] :)

[Le Tailor Box] is all about the blogshop which concentrate on handmade stuffs. We a.k.a the lil tailors will shared all the handmade stuffs and bring more and more blogshop to you :D

Let's continue to discover what had inside [Le Tailor Box]. :D

Friday, 29 June 2012

Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush

Hi peeps! How did you find about our posts? Funny? Useful? Entertaining? Informative? lil tailors are always open for feedbacks and comments. Disregarding of good comment :) or bad comment :( No matter how it is lil tailors will absorb every comment and do the right thing to meet with your expectation. So if you have any better suggestion or you want lil tailors to blog about your blogs, please do not shy and email to us at . Your opinion is highly appreciated *make a deep bow*

Okay, next, the purpose of the post is not only getting feedback from all of you but we’re also introducing another fascinating blogshop to you guys.

Ladies and gentlemen, Please give a round of applause to

Before starting to explore that, let us look at the basic profile of Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush . The first impression of lil tailors to Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush is that every handmade craft is so so so adorable! Every snapshot is full of cuteness, viewers are being exposed under a great window which full of cutie crafts! And importantly, it makes lil tailors wanna get’em all! Arrrrrrggggghhhh!!

When lil tailors click into [about me], lil tailor got shocks!! Every cute little craft was made by a masculine and professional looking man! OMG!! If you are one of the hardcore supporters of handmade industry. You will definitely find out that majority of the handmade makers are female and even with the minority of male, without any offense, they are also kinda feminine in their behavior. But if you look at Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush, Brian, blogger of Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush is nothing related in appearance wise! If it would shocken you even more, he is from IT background and currently doing web and desktop programming for living! Frankly speaking, Brian himself is already impressive for lil tailors!

In year 2009, Brian started off doing crafts using felt but he didn’t get any sales during the first 6 months. When Brian was about to give up from doing crafts,  his housemates recommended him to do plush by using socks and that brings him his first sale in his web shop.
Crafting has already become his hobby. He will work on crafts after his daily work. On average, he spent 4 hours a day crafting. During the weekends, if he don’t have any other activities, he will just stay home and continue crafting! Sometimes, when he feel tired after working long hours, he will choose to take a nap and then only continue doing crafts. No matter what, he will make sure I’m in the mood to do it because Brian believes the message that he’s trying to bring out will be shown in my work.
To Brian, lil tailors salute to you!!!
Let’s not waste anymore time and get in the world of Brian’s Wonderland!

Benjamin is a bluish octopus angel which protect the ocean~ Now our Mother Earth need to everyone to put effort in green and protect our environment!

Benjamin know that the most effective way is recycled so that can reduce all the waste. Benjamin with 6 hand so that can do it more effective!

Enough with Angry Birds? No worries! Brian has prepared the cute chicken to show you not neccesary to be angry in order to be cute!

How long you didnt heard chicken wake you up? or you never see and heard chicken in life? chicken shouldnt just be the food on your table. Cute Chicken hope people can reduce eating chicken. let chicken can run around and wake people up.

Tom is the baby snail which prepare for Christmas. He start wear his Christmas hat and his recycled bag. His mom told him to start prepare for Christmas, because they are slow, so need to prepare it early.

He prepare him self for the white Christmas. Unfortunately the global worming may the snow come late. He hope to make a snow man with his friend and play the snow war, therefore he asking help for human to love the environment, so that can reduce the temperature...

He hopes you can help to pass out this message to the world.

Let work together with Tom, make sure that our white christmas wont affect by the global warming.

Golden Sun - Forge Entry

At Patcher's Place, run up to the higher levels of the store until you are outside. Climb up the cliff to the left of the Djinni to reach the Psynergy Training Grounds. Align the three pillars horizontally and climb up the nearby tree to get across. Hop on top of the tree to the right, climb down, and use Growth on the sapling to climb down.

Forge, this bolstering spirit is encountered at Patcher 's Place. Forge 's blazing flame stirs allies to greater ferocity in battle.

It made by felt, button and memory love. It tall around 6 inch,

 That’s just some of the many adorable crafts lil tailor look from to Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush. It’s always fun and happy when look into those crafts. If you wanna look for more crafts, you can click this [[Brian & D' Wonderland Sock Plush]] check it out!
Last but not least, what lil tailors want to say is “Brian, thanks for proving to everyone guys can be an excellent handmade maker too!”. Hope Brian will bring more excellent crafts to us in future!
That’s all from Le Tailor Box today and we will see you in the next post!


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Cuteness Attack

Aloha friend, how was your day? We wish you may have another nice days :) Okay wait, please allow us to do something before the post start *take a deep breath and scream out*  


Yes, we’re back to here again. We din update for a long time due to busy life recently but no worries, lil tailors never stop to search out something new for all of you guys. Sorry for making you guys wait for a long time but no worries on it, your waiting are worthy because we have found out many amazing blogshop during this period of time. :D

Are you having high expectation on the blogshop which we gonna introduce to you this week? YUP, it’s not surprising at all, every posts the same that as usual we bring you another WONDERFUL BLOGSHOP again :D  Oh my goodness, all the blogshop are just so unique and amazing :D

Boys and Girls out there, pay your attention here please. This is the main topic of this post,

Kawaii Life Corner :) 
dang dang dang dang*add in sound effect by own*

Yes, it’s another cute and sweet handcraft blogshop which we found out.  

Kawaii Life Corner is handmade corners which specialize in 100% handmade products such as hair clip, passport holder, brooch, coaster, frodge magnet.  Kawaii Life Corner is more focusing on handmade key chain, you can find out different style of key chair here. You may also able to find the special/unique key chains which you’re never seeing in the market before.

There is always “someone” who hides behind of such amazing blogshop. The “someone” of Kawaii Life Corner is owned by a cute girl. You may ask us why you said she is cute or do you met her before? Okay, firstly we din meet her before but we can know that she is a cute person through her work :D in the another way round, you can know it is cute from its name :) Kawaii mean cute in Japenese.

Here are the photos of her work, have a look :D set your spirit free, scream it out if you feel the cuteness of it :D

GingerBreadman :D *in-love with it*

Pig Pig big family :D

As mentioned before, other than key chain, Kawaii Life Corner do have other handcraft product. below is a doll make by her :)

Custome make passport holder :)

One of the little dreams of the entire handcraft artist which is to be discovering in any published material. As same with other handcraft artist, Kawaii Life Corner was also discovered in China Press :) Kawaii Life Corner was just discovering again at China Press few weeks ago and yet it’s not the first time to be covered in newspaper. You can know that people love Kawaii Life Corner work so much :)

Besides that, Kawaii Life Corner do joining some of the handmade market in the field now. If you’re getting bored or searching something new goods, you can spend your leisure time to visit her :) Don’t know when the market again? No worries, you can click on the top category named as [Upcomingevent] in our blog. It is to inform you about the latest market we found :) and you may can meet your dream handcraft artist like Kawaii Life Corner :D *thumbs up*

Don’t feel sad if you unable to met her up, you still can able get her handcraft from online or some little shop. She do putting some of her work on the little shop :) Kawaii Life Corner is also welcome you guys to give any suggestion, recommendation or comments. She is willing to make changing based on what you given her.

That’s all about Kawaii Life Corner. Please do spend your time to visit her blogshop, you can find out more surprise than us do. Therefore, click [Kawaii Life Corner], and lets the “susrprise” amaze your day :D

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Islyly creating our own life

Most of the people love desserts or any sweet than bitter like candy, cupcakes and etc. Chubby lil tailor love whatever desserts so much which is sweet and tasty especially Macaroon. He always go walk around to search desserts, it can make him feel better. He love desserts so much even any items which in dessert design. No worries, we’re not gonna to talk about FOOD or any Desserts here. Just that the blogshop we’re going to recommend to you guys is having a little bit linkage with desserts, especially Macaroon. *chubby lil tailor is screaming*

We’re just can’t wait to share with you all this, Hey Desserts lover, Here is the photo.

Do you guys know what it is? YES, Macaroon :D but can’t eat one. This is a Macaroon design of phone chain. There is available in different colours, look so tasty :D stick this with your phone, you can feel the phone is sweet :D

Okay, this great creations is done by a little girls come from this blogshop.

Islyly (handmade) Creating our own life :)

Islyly is an online handcraft blogshop which selling many different handmade stuffs like bag, phone cover, key chain, pencil box, wallet and etc. Islyly is founded by a little girl who loves handmade so much. The little girl has been addicted to sewing handmade for a long time. She was studies design and now she is fulltime handmade artist :)

All the products from Islyly are look like almost real and cute. The Macarron is the best example of all :D and you can found out the style while looking through all her work. You can't get what I mean? Well, lets look at the photos, I guess you may get what I mean after this :D

this is what chubby lil tailor love :D so nice and colourful

Now can you get what I mean? Her style is more toward on Foreign Village feels. :) It's is nice too :D
Islyly is not only selling handmade product but also selling handcraft material like the previous post [Fabrics Fanatics]. 

She is a hardworking girl who full of dream and truly love handmade. You may ask that why am I said so? Look at the photo below, she has his own brand label :D Even others handmade artist also have their own lable, but yet this can show the effort she paid on handcraft. You will only pay so much attention on what you love right? Just like you love handmade therefore you're here and reading this post :D *BIG THANK YOU*

As I mentioned before that, She is a full time handmade artist now. Looking at the photo below, this is her working place. Oh my goodness, a lot of small wallets here and earing :D

Islyly do participant in the market. We meet her one time before in Pipit Wonderful market 7. She is really a pretty girl and hardworking. No worries that you still can able to get her handmade items from some of the shopping center like Time Square. :)

For more look tasty dessert handmade items, you can click this [Islyly (handmade) Creating our own life :)] to get more and more look-real-dessert :D

Sweet thing lights up a person mood just like handmade items can warm a person heart :)

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